Kurt Angle is a 'newcomer' to my fav wrestling org, the WWF! Kurt is also an Olympic medalist, bringing home the gold in 1996, for (what else?) wrestling! Here's some stats on this 'All-American boy!!!'
...then she could wear MY shirt!!!
Just thought it was a cool pic. Thanks to ice18801 for finding it for me!

An interesting desktop wallpaper...or is it a Harlequin Novel cover?
Here are a bunch of new South Park photos. Enjoy!

I'm not sure what the hell Kurt is doing here, but it looks to me like he's dancing with Edge and Christian!!

Pic of Kurt from WOW

I guess Kurt told Chris Benoit where to go after he hurt Stephanie; "DON'T TOUCH HER AGAIN!!"

"Is that ALL you have, Hunter? Kurt beats you by a LONG SHOT!!!

Bet he cost either the Rock or Triple H a match!

Triple H lets Kurt know quite well, that Stephanie is HIS concern, and if anything happens to her, Triple H is coming after Kurt's behind!! Looks like he's having second thoughts about letting Steph go with Kurt!

Stephanie yells after Triple H that she WILL accompany Kurt to the ring, whether he likes it or not!!!

'I may be married to you, Triple H, but I rather be with Kurt!'
Kurt propositions Steph to be his business associate.

Stephanie develops her "business" relationship with Kurt, Then reassures the Game that it is strictly business.... or is it???


IT'S TRUE!! IT'S TRUE!! Kurt won the WWF gold on October 22, 2000, defeating the Rock for the title!!!

Oh, no! Rock sees the 'interview' between Kurt and himself from HeAT the night before. He doesn't look very happy to me!!

Stephanie congratulates Kurt on His victory for the title.

Kurt and Stephanie talk about her next title defense.

Kurt got someone in trouble, and now feels like a DUMBASS for it

Kurt's opening shot.
These next few pics are from a personal friend. I can't reveal the friend, for reasons.

Kurt and one of his four older brother, when they were small.

Kurt and the missus, Karen.

Kurt and his siblings. The other boys are Eric, David, Mark and Johnny and his sister is LeAnn.

This is a picture of Kurt's dad, David. I'm not sure if he's holding Kurt.

Damn! I thought my desk was bad, but that, my friends, is just sad!!

LEFT--Kurt poses for a VERY seductive pic. Glamour Shots, anyone?
RIGHT--Kurt decked out in his Sunday best!! WOW!

"What do you want?"

RIGHT--Kurt poses with a friend named Jewel.
LEFT--"Hey, It's true...It's True...My desk looks alot better cleaned off!"

Here's Kurt with Dory Funk Jr., Celebrating his first professional win!!

Kurt signing a picture for a fan.

Kurt and Stephanie promoting a WWF event!

Kurt in 1981 (6th Grade).

Kurt and his manager/agent/best friend, Dave Hawk.
Back to the 'public' pics!

"I remember being in a hotel room... Room 814...That was my room.. no, wait,... That was Stephanie's room!"

Kurt in his alternate ring attire. We never see him wear it, though.

Steph and Kurt look very confident and determined, as they take on an opponent at RAW!!

Kurt giving Sir William Regal a razz about England!!

"Oh sh*t!! Undertaker isn't gonna be too happy when he sees what I did to his Harley!!"

Kurt doesn't like people in his face, especially Triple H!

Kurt, dumb move!! Don't tempt Triple H to do that!! He just might!

Kurt asks Steph if HHH hit her.

Stephanie gets Kurt out of a match again, thanks to kissing up to Mick Foley.

Nice closeup of Kurt!

Edge, Christian and Trish Stratus doesn't think Kurt could handle the Undertaker.

Taker pulls 'Kurt' out from under the apron.

American Bad Ass gives Kurt the Last Ride... or does he?

"That's not Kurt Angle!!!"

Kurt rolls Taker up for the 1-2-3!

Eric Angle after his 'Last Ride." I can only imagine what's going through his mind--"The things I do for my baby brother!!"

Kurt decides he better make a fast getaway!!

This is Kurt's brother, Eric. He won the title 'Mr. Pittsburgh 2000.'
I know these don't exactly go with the Kurt Angle theme, but I like the pictures!
What goes up...
...must come...
Nice closeup of Kurt and Eric Angle, from the 11/20/2000 edition of RAW

Kurt showing what he suffered after the chokeslam from the ABA on thr previous RAW.

Commisioner Mick Foley tells Kurt he's defending the title that night, and he's not too sure about it when he's talking to Edge and Christian later that night.
Pics from Kurt on 'Live with Regis.'

Kurt invites Kane to the Angle house for Christmastime
Here's some articles about Kurt.
From Slam! Wrestling:
Kurt Angle is doing remarkable things this holiday season. Kurt has been dropping by Children Hospitals in the Chicago area and meeting with Children infected with Cancer, Aids, and other life taking illnesses. Kurt is doing all this by himself and is really setting a good example for the WWF. Kurt is talking to the children about his gold medals and his success; also he is spending quality time with the children and letting them have a good Christmas. Kurt Angle should be given a lot of respect for doing what he's doing. Personally Im glad he is doing this, I think it will help show the PTC and other groups that theirs more to WWF than cursing and women.
An Olympic Gold Medalist, King of the Ring, former European Champion, former Intercontinental Champion, and current Heavyweight Champion, Kurt Angle has had an extremely successful career.
To add to those achievements, Angle will be recognized next June with a very important award in the world of amateur/collegiate wrestling. In Stillwater, Oklahoma, home of the Amateur Wrestling Hall of Fame, Angle will be inducted with the association's highest honors.
The Hall is very selective regarding their inductees; however, it was announced that Angle was an easy decision for the Hall's committee.CREDIT TO http://www.TopRopePub.com
Kurt Angle has annouced that he will be righting an autobiography about himself and it is do out late summer or early fall. This is what he said to WWF.COM
Kurt Angle will become the third World Wrestling Federation Champion to publish an autobiography. He is scheduled to begin work in the next few weeks on his life story, which he hopes will be released in late summer or early fall.
"They're going to hear my whole life story," Angle told WWF.com, "from being a lower-middle class kid having a dream of winning an Olympic gold medal when he was four."
Angle said he was initially hesitant to write an autobiography, as he's still only 31. But he realized that he has already had enough triumphs and failures to fill an entire novel. For example, he's had several career-ending injuries (which of course didn't end his career), and his coach, Dave Schultz, was murdered while Angle was training for the Olympics.
But Angle says he'll spend a good portion of his book just talking about the last 14 months.
"The WWF gave me an opportunity to showcase my talents beyond Olympic sports," Angle said. "I have more of a passion for the WWF than I ever did in anything else. So half my book is going to be on just my first year here. Because so many different things have happened."
Angle said he has yet to select a professional writer to help him put together the book. He said there are two writers -- a male and a female -- that he likes. He can't decide if he wants the book to be more inspirational (male perspective) or heartwarming (female perspective), "but it'll all be true," he said. But Angle said the book will not be called "It's True" or any variation thereof.
Mt. Lebanon's Olympic good guy comes back as pro wrestler fans love to hate
Angle's evil twin
Kurt Angle, wholesome-Olympian-turned-lowdown-pro-wrestler, is so popular he has security escorting him to World Wrestling Federation matches.
Not that the WWF champion asked for protection to walk through airports. "I don't mind confronting the fans," he said last week. "As a matter of fact, sometimes it is inconvenient to have security."
Oh, the travails of WWF superstardom.
But Angle, the WWF heavyweight champion who will return to Pittsburgh tonight(Jan 28, 2001) for a "Raw is War" show at Mellon Arena, isn't complaining about being one of a handful of superstars who receives security. He's not complaining about the four WWF dolls bearing his likeness, including the one that does his finishing move, the Olympic Slam. Or all the boos that shower him when he bonks someone on the head with a chair or slams an opponent against a table.
Sure the Mt. Lebanon native loved being cheered as a wholesome gold medal winner in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta. But now he loves being booed as a parody of his Olympic persona, an annoying goodie goodie. "I am a drink-your-milk Olympic guy who acts like he is innocent and gullible ... but is very conniving."
Autographs and appearances are up. And the "why-did-you-sell-yourself-out?" comments are down.
Being a WWF bad guy is much more lucrative than being an Olympic good guy.
Sources say Angle, 31, is making a seven-figure salary in the WWF. Angle declined comment.
Naysayers said Angle, who sobbed with joy when he won the gold medal in the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta, was too wholesome to become a personality in the trash-talking world of pro wrestling.
But his WWF resume brags about his many titles and says his rookie year was arguably the best year for any star in the federation's history. The highlight came on Oct. 22, when he won the WWF Championship after defeating The Rock at "No Mercy."
Angle, who's been in the WWF for 14 months, went into wrestling thinking he would stick it out for five years. Now he hopes to stay in the WWF for an additional three or four years.
"I didn't know I would have this much passion for this," he says. "I have never been more content with what I am doing."
Of course there are occupational hazards to giving and taking slams, no matter how choreographed. Angle says he has had two concussions, separated a shoulder and popped a rib in the ring.
He has done some things that has shocked fans. He has kissed Stephanie McMahon on national TV to steal her from wrestler Triple H.
Some people walk into the Mt. Lebanon nail salon of his wife, Karen, and say, "Do you believe what your husband did?"
"It's just acting," she tells them. "A lot of people lose touch with reality" when they watch wrestling, he says. "They need to relax."
Angle says he no longer has to explain to people why he joined a wildly popular organization that is often derided for its violence, bad language and sexual references. He said he has explained in many interviews that it is sports entertainment, not wrestling.
Still he bristles at the criticisms, saying people single out WWF from other forms of popular culture because wrestling is so popular.
"Cartoons are more graphic than what we do. They are more brutal than what we do. Just because we are real stuntmen instead of cartoons, we are getting picked on.
"People will watch the movie 'Terminator' and say that is greatest thing in the world, but then they will say the WWF is bad." ( http://www.PostGazette.com )
Mt. Lebanon High School (Pa.) will honor World Wrestling Federation Champion Kurt Angle this Wednesday night (Jan 31, 2001) with a dedication ceremony and erect a display case highlighting his amateur wrestling career. Angle, a 1987 graduate of Mt. Lebanon (located in suburban Pittsburgh) said he'll be at the ceremony.
"To go back to the high school were I started, where Kurt Angle started, it's incredible," said Angle, reflecting on what he referred to as the grass roots of his wrestling career. Before capturing two NCAA heavyweight championships for Clarion University. Before winning the gold medal for the United States at the 1996 Summer Olympics. Before winning three Federation Championships (Intercontinental, European and the Federation Title) and the King of the Ring tournament in the same year, Angle practically rescued the Mt. Lebanon wrestling program from of oblivion.
By Angle's senior year, Mt. Lebanon had gone 14 consecutive seasons without any state champions. Seeing something special in Angle, Mt. Lebanon wrestling coach George Lamprinakos looked to his prized student to restore glory back to the high school. Angle did just that, capturing the PIAA (Pennsylvania Interscholastic Athletic Association) State Championship and sending Lamprinakos into a happy retirement. "Both Mr. Lamprinakos and I went out on a good note," Angle said.
Amazingly, Angle and his collegiate coach would also walk off as winners.
In '92, Angle defeated Sylvester Terkay to win his second and final NCAA heavyweight championship for Clarion head coach Bob Bubb.
"They (coaches Lamprinakos and Bubb) both made a pact to me that they would not quit beforehand - both of them were ready to quit before I graduated either high school or college," Angle said. "But they both promised me that they would be there until I finished because they knew I was special and they knew I would do what they told me to do.
"They were both old school, and I like to be trained that way. I took pride in the sport and not just being first string. It didn't mean that if you were second, third or fourth string that it was time to quit. They believed that no matter what your success was, if you stuck with it, you get better and you showed character. That's how I lived my whole life - basically not giving up."
Angle freely admits he's lived a charmed life, and it blows his mind when he realizes what he did back in high school, college and in just one year as a Federation Superstar. But he's just as quick to point out he's not yet at the level of The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Triple H or the Undertaker. "That's my next goal - Kurt Angle will be there as well." What he feels will get him there is the same philosophy that got him through high school, college and the Olympics - trust. All his life, Angle has showed unbreakable faith in his superiors from Lamprinakos to Bubb to current boss Vince McMahon.
It's that faith which has allowed him to take pressure off himself and perform to his standards. In return, McMahon has continued to advance his character.
"I do have all the trust in the world for Vince," Angle said. "Look what he's done with me in one year. It's Vince saying, 'Kurt Angle, this is what we want you to do. This is the direction we want you to go.'
"I had no choice but to get better," Angle said summing up his career to this point, "and I owe it all to Vince and my coaches." ( http://www.WWF.com )
Here are some Poems and Quotes form the OLYMPIC HERO
Roses Are Red,
Violets Are Blue,
Kurt Angle's Still Champ,
It's True! It's True!
Violets have stems
Roses have petals
Kurt's has his 3 I's
Where are your gold medals?
QUOTE:And I have a little nursery rhyme for all you children out there. Something that even the Godfather can understand.
You can prance
and you can dance
but when it comes to relations
keep it in your pants
QUOTE:Ever since I teamed up with Edge and Christian. Your Olympic Hero has noticed he has been getting a lot of extra attention lately.....from teenage girls. Oh yeah, oh yeah. In fact, word on the street is your Olympic Hero is considered to be "all that". It's True, It's True. But teenage girls I have a word of warning for all of you, in the form of a nursey ryhme and it goes something like this:
Don't be like the people here
shaking up with different guys
be clean, be pure, be abstanent
and follw my three I's
QUOTE:Canada is lacking two things Its true don't make me say it again. The first is olympic heros and no ben johnson does not count so it is my duty as an american hero to represent all of you as well as the north american hero. The second thing that canada is lacking is Memorial day which is today by the way. We in the states celebrate our war heros by having BBQs. I realized here in Canada you cant have BBQs because you probally be attacked by a mouse or a carabo or even a grizzly its true hold on a second. You probally be attacked by a grizzley as well on second thought the Grizzlys don't beat any body here in Vancouver let alone anywhere else. After I win the European championship I will not only be the north american hero I will also represent the great countries of Europe. Once again your olympic hero is going global."
Kurt lost the WWF Heavyweight Belt last night (02/25/2001) at WWF NO WAY OUT. Pics will be up as soon as I find them.
Click here to read interviews with Kurt!